In the afternoon of Tuesday, January 5, 2021, we were informed of one positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Elementary School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individuals was last on site on Monday, January 4, 2021 and all contact tracing is complete for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link to letter:
In the morning of Tuesday, January 5, 2021, we were informed of one positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Elementary School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individuals was last on site on Monday, January 4, 2021 and all contact tracing is complete for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link to letter:
Hello IES families! I wanted to remind you that Iroquois Elementary School will resume in-person instruction this Monday, January 4, 2021. As we head into the new year, let's continue to work together in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 by keeping children home if they are experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms and maintaining communication with the elementary school office [(814) 899-7643 x2000] and Assistant Pandemic Coordinator [(814) 899-7643 x6109] if anyone in your household is identified as a close contact or tests positive for COVID-19. We look forward to welcoming back our faculty, staff, and students on Monday, January 4, 2021. Thank you for your continued support!
Good afternoon IES families! We've missed seeing our students and can't wait to welcome them into IES when school resumes for in-person instruction on Monday, January 4, 2021. Until then, we wanted to share some holiday cheer and wish you health and happiness for the new year! Video Link:
COVID -On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, we were informed of a positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individual has not been on site so no contact tracing was required for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
Thank you to the PA State Police and local heroes for working with IES to make the "Shop with a Hero" program a success while following all health and safety guidelines. We appreciate your commitment to the students of IES!
COVID -On Monday, December 21, 2020, we were informed of a positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individual was last in school on December 14, 2020. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
COVID -On Monday, December 21, 2020, we were informed of a positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individual was last in school on December 14, 2020. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
COVID -On the afternoon of Friday, December 18, 2020, we were informed of a positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individual has not been on site so no contact tracing was required for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
In the morning of Friday, December 18, 2020, we were informed of two positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Elementary School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individuals have not been on site due to remote learning, and no on-site contact tracing was required for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link:
COVID-19 - On the afternoon of Thursday, December 17, 2020, we received confirmation of a COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has communicated with the ECDOH and followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Please see the links to the letters to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
IES is spreading hope and good cheer! This December, IES started a Pen Pal project to share hope and cheer with local Long-Term Care facilities. Prior to our switch to remote instruction, our students made 213 Holiday Cards with kind messages for residents. We were able to send some to every facility in Erie County and one in Crawford County! Thank you, Braves, for your kindness. Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible & have great day!
If your student attends in-person instruction at IHS or IES:
On Wednesday, December 23rd, students attending the high school will receive two days of meals to take home with them. Meals for the week of Christmas break can be picked up at the Iroquois Elementary School distribution site on Monday, December, 28th from 10 – 11 am.
Students attending Iroquois Cyber Academy or in Virtual Learning Status at their school:
All Children 18 and under are eligible – do not have to attend Iroquois schools Meals will be distributed on Monday and Wednesday December 21st and 23rd from 10-10:30. For the week between Christmas and New Years, there will be one distribution date on Monday, December 28th at Iroquois Elementary School only from 10 – 11 am, that will include 7 days of meals. Distribution will return to the regular distribution schedule at both schools on Monday, January 4th from 10 – 10:30 am
Iroquois Community -
As you are aware, both Iroquois Jr./Sr. and Iroquois Elementary School switched to virtual instruction last week due to recommendations put into place by the Dept. of Ed in regards to COVID-19 positive/probable cases in schools. Iroquois SD believes that face-to-face instruction is better academically for our students. We also believe that students and adults are safe in school, as long as proper mitigation efforts are followed. More research supports this decision, and we will continue to offer in-person instruction as long as we can continue to do it safely.
On Mon., December 14, Iroquois Jr./Sr. High will be open and operate as scheduled. Iroquois Elementary School will not be able to re-open until Wed., December 16. Currently, IES is suffering from a shortage of subs to cover the building. We hope this problem is rectified early next week. If our efforts come up short, we will communicate our plans to you. Thank you for your continued support, and please stay safe.
Shane Murray
COVID-19 - On the afternoon of Tuesday, December 8, 2020, we received confirmation of three COVID-19 cases impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has communicated with the ECDOH and followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Please see the links to the letters to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
Good afternoon! In an effort to better assist you with your students' needs during virtual instruction, please use the following information to determine how we can help answer your questions. For questions regarding instructional expectations/needs at IHS, please call (814) 899-7643 x1000. For questions regarding instructional expectations/needs at IES, please call (814) 899-7643 x2000. For questions regarding technology help, please call (814) 897-2416. For questions regarding COVID-19, please call (814) 899-7643 x6109. Thank you!
COVID-19 - On the morning of Tuesday, December 8, 2020, we received confirmation of three COVID-19 cases impacting Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. The Iroquois School District has communicated with the ECDOH and followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Please see the links to the letters to parents and staff from the Superintendent and High School Principal.
On the morning of Monday, December 7, 2020, we were informed of 6 positive/probable COVID-19 cases impacting Iroquois Elementary School, which initiated a temporary closure of the school through Friday, December 11, 2020. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Of the six cases, the individuals were last on site last week, with the latest student in attendance on the afternoon of Friday, December 4, 2020. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link:
IES COVID CLOSURE - Under the current health and safety plan, it is recommended that, due to the number of cases impacting Iroquois Elementary School, we close IES for live instruction for a period of three to five days. As of Tuesday, December 8, 2020, all students in attendance at Iroquois Elementary School will begin virtual instruction. In accordance with the most recent guidelines, this shut down will take place through the end of this week. Students will be required to follow the virtual schedules that were given to them and then subsequently mailed home with their Quarter 1 report cards. Students will use Schoology and Zoom from Tuesday, December 8, 2020 through Friday, December 11, 2020 to access instruction. Currently, we anticipate returning to the building for live instruction on Monday, December 14, 2020. Contact the school or the Assistant Pandemic Coordinator, Karen Barringer at (814) 899-7643 x6109 with any questions related to the closure. For any technology-related questions/needs, please call the HelpDesk at 814-897-2416. Please read the letter linked to this announcement for further details. Link to Letter:
VIRTUAL LEARNING - Good morning everyone. This is just a reminder that you should all be logging in according to your regular class schedules. Teachers will be taking attendance daily for this week just as if it were a regular school day. Those who do not log in to their classes will be marked absent and will require an excuse. Those without an excuse will receive a zero and will not be permitted to make up the work. Good luck today everyone.