Anyone interested in learning more about Gifted Education in the Iroquois School District may contact:
Gifted Support Teacher
IES - (814) 899-7643 ext. 5123
IHS - (814) 899-7643 ext 1553
Parents interested in pursuing an evaluation of their child to determine eligibility for gifted services should request such verbally or in written format to any District personnel. Any questions regarding pursuing an evaluation for their child to determine eligibility for gifted services can be directed to:
Ms. Modzelewski
Director of Special Education
(814) 899-7643, ext. 4010
Miss Mackey
IES School Psychologist
(814) 899-7643, ext. 2007
Mr. Hembree
IHS School Psychologist
(814) 899-7643, ext. 1557
Iroquois School District is committed to providing programs and services that meet individual needs. The PA Department of Education’s policies and procedures define the process for accessing special education services. The law supports parent involvement in these procedures and we require parent input in every phase of the educational process. These procedures include an initial referral to our building level Support Team with possible evaluation if needed. This evaluation many result in an Individual Education Plan (GIEP) or a Service Plan addressing recommendations for specially designed instruction.
The Iroquois School District believes that student’s with special needs are best served in the general education setting using special education resources to supplement and support the regular education process. Special program tailored to meet our student’s educational needs include: Gifted Support, Autistic Support, Learning Support, Speech and Language support and Emotional Support.
ISD currently employs a universal gifted screening process. In past years, referrals were typically derived from teacher/parent referrals. Moving forward, the LEA is employing formal universal screening measures. The building level intervention team (Student Support Team – grades K-6) will examine data regarding our top 10% achieving students per benchmark data twice per year (Fall, Spring). These individuals will be targeted for enrichment opportunities per LEA recommendation effective this year. Team members then analyze additional data (including grade level performance, teacher input, state standardized assessments), to determine which of those students may warrant an evaluation for giftedness (top 5-7% of students). Teachers may refer students for a gifted evaluation via an Enrichment Referral Form. Parents may request an evaluation in writing or via a verbal request at any time. The SST will subsequently examine data and proceed as described above for universal screening process.
Definition of Mentally Gifted: Pennsylvania Department of Education
The State defines mentally gifted as the following:
Definition of Mentally Gifted is defined as outstanding intellectual and creative ability the development of which requires specially designed programs or support services, or both, not ordinarily provided in the regular education program. (22 Pa. Code § 16.1) Intellectual ability is not equated with an IQ score alone.
The following GIEP Information is from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, please see the link below:
Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP)
The Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) is the framework of a student's program and should consist of information that is useful in providing appropriate programming and support services. The GIEP is a yearly summary document that includes all curricular areas in which a gifted child is to receive education that is adapted and modified to provide opportunities to participate in acceleration or enrichment, or both, as appropriate for the student's individual needs.