​After detailed discussions at last night’s ISD Board Committee meetings, it has been decided to move the first day of school for all Iroquois students for the 2020-2021 School Year to Tuesday, September 8, 2020. More detailed information to follow shortly. Stay healthy!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
​Please consider supporting the students in our district by participating in the 2020 Erie Gives Day, on Tuesday, August 11th from 8AM to 8PM! The ISD Foundation is a participating non-profit and your contributions will benefit our own community. www.eriegives.org​​All donations qualify for a tax deduction for 2020. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
Reminder: 7th grade and New Student Orientation is August 12th and 13th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Due to COVID restrictions on social gatherings, parents may not accompany their students. Students must wear masks and practice social distancing throughout the orientation. Please use the link below to sign up for the day and one hour time slot for your student to attend. A postcard with information has been mailed. https://tinyurl.com/isdnewkids
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
​Please consider supporting the students in our district by participating in the 2020 Erie Gives Day, on Tuesday, August 11th from 8AM to 8PM! The ISD Foundation is a participating non-profit and your contributions will benefit our own community. www.eriegives.org​​All donations qualify for a tax deduction for 2020. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
​Please consider supporting the students in our district by participating in the 2020 Erie Gives Day, on Tuesday, August 11th from 8AM to 8PM! The ISD Foundation is a participating non-profit and your contributions will benefit our own community. www.eriegives.org​​ All donations qualify for a tax deduction for 2020. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
Iroquois SD has job openings available! IMMEDIATE need for Bus Monitors/Cafeteria Monitors. $13.07 per hr. For details on this position and all other employment opportunities at ISD, check out our employment page on the District website, www.iroquoissd.org.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
Reminder: 7th grade and New Student Orientation is August 12th and 13th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Due to COVID restrictions on social gatherings, parents may not accompany their students. Students must wear masks and practice social distancing throughout the orientation. Please use the link below to sign up for the day and one hour time slot for your student to attend. A postcard with information has been mailed. https://tinyurl.com/isdnewkids
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
If you were unable to join us last night for the ISD Cyber Academy Town Hall, you may view the ZOOM meeting using the link below: https://youtu.be/ZUrQjnhFDDA If you are interested in registering for the ISD Cyber Academy, please submit a completed application to the building administration as soon as possible.
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Interested in the Iroquois Cyber Academy? Join us TONIGHT August 4th at 6pm for a ZOOM town hall meeting with representatives from VLN and the ISD Assistant Principals. The ZOOM meeting will be recorded and shared for those unable to join us live. Use the following information to log in: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87568526072?pwd=cXFjQUV6L0FiT2RDdUlvMzNjWVFBQT09 Meeting ID: 875 6852 6072 Passcode: c6jGiu
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Do you have students entering 7th grade at Iroquois? If so, please join us from August 10th - 14th for our virtual Learn to Lead Academy! Please see the attached flyer for more information and email Julia Boyd at jgabrys@iroquois.iu5.org with any questions.
over 4 years ago, #PYDONEFAMILY
Do you have students entering 7th grade at Iroquois? If so, please join us from August 10th - 14th for our virtual Learn to Lead Academy! Please see the attached flyer for more information and email Julia Boyd at jgabrys@iroquois.iu5.org with any questions.
I.H.S. SCHEDULES (7-12) - Please be aware that you can find your schedule for the 2020-21 school year on Infinite Campus. Due to COVID-19 we are still working on class sizes and other concerns. All schedules are still subject to change at this time. Students should contact their guidance counselor if they have a concern or a question about a schedule.
over 4 years ago, Principal Wilson
Interested in the Iroquois Cyber Academy? Join us on August 4th at 6pm for a ZOOM town hall meeting with representatives from VLN and the ISD Assistant Principals. The ZOOM meeting will be recorded and shared for those unable to join us live. Use the following information to log in: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87568526072?pwd=cXFjQUV6L0FiT2RDdUlvMzNjWVFBQT09 Meeting ID: 875 6852 6072 Passcode: c6jGiu
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
VLN Town Hall
Interested in the Iroquois Cyber Academy? Join us on August 4th at 6pm for a ZOOM town hall meeting with representatives from VLN and the ISD Assistant Principals. The ZOOM meeting will be recorded and shared for those unable to join us live. Use the following information to log in: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87568526072?pwd=cXFjQUV6L0FiT2RDdUlvMzNjWVFBQT09 Meeting ID: 875 6852 6072 Passcode: c6jGiu
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
VLN Town Hall
7th grade and New Student Orientation is August 12th and 13th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Due to COVID restrictions on social gatherings, parents may not accompany their students. Students must wear masks and practice social distancing throughout the orientation. Please use the link below to sign up for the day and one hour time slot for your student to attend. A postcard with information has been mailed. https://tinyurl.com/isdnewkids
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
NW Tri-County IU 5 and the public schools in Erie, Crawford and Warren counties are providing an update on Covid-19 for parents at: https://vimeo.com/439713174/377c2a34ab
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
PHYSICALS - Iroquois sports physicals will take place at AHN Eastside Pavilion on Thursday July 30th between the hours of 5pm-8pm. These physicals are paid for by the Iroquois School District and free of charge to the student athlete. At this time physicals will be given to Fall Sports Athletes Grades 7th-12th only. A full PIAA physical form must be completed by the parent before the student athlete will be seen. PIAA Physical forms can be obtained from your coach, the HS office or printed off the district and PIAA websites. The time slots will be as follows: 5pm- Varsity and Junior High Football 5:45pm- Football Cheer and Volleyball 6:30pm-Girls and Boys Soccer 7pm -Cross Country, Golf and Girls Junior High Basketball Students must wear a mask and wait for their perspective times to enter the facility. Parents must wait in their cars. If a student athlete misses the time slot for their team they can wait until 7:30 to enter the building.
over 4 years ago, Principal Wilson
I.H.S. CHEERLEADING UPDATE - Any student athlete grades 9-12 interested in participating in Football Cheer for the 2020 season there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday July 29th. The meeting will take place on the east side of the school near the weight room in the case of inclement weather moved to the gym. The times will be broken up by grade to limit the number of people gathered. Seniors 6pm, Juniors 6:30pm, Sophomores 7pm, Freshman 7:30pm. Parents and students are encouraged to attend. Masks must be worn at all times on school property and social distancing will be adhered. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in Football Cheer, Please contact Coach Cook at Cookkell2147@yahoo.com or Coach Boyer at Jboyer1110@gmail.com
over 4 years ago, Principal Wilson
Interested in learning more about the ISD Cyber Academy? Join us via Zoom for an overview of the program on August 4, 2020 at 6pm. A link will be shared at a later date!
over 4 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
I.H.S. GOLF - “Any student athlete grades 9-12 interested in participating in Golf for the 2020 season there will be an informational meeting on Tuesday July 28th at 6pm. The meeting will take place on the east side of the school near the weight room in the case of inclement weather moved to the gym. Parents and students are encouraged to attend. Masks must be worn at all times on school property and social distancing will be adhered. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in Golf. Please contact Coach Zimmerman @ czimmerman@iroquois.iu5.org
over 4 years ago, Principal Wilson
I.H.S. CHEERLEADING - “Any student athlete grades 9-12 interested in participating in Football Cheer for the 2020 season there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday July 29th. The meeting will take place on the east side of the school near the weight room in the case of inclement weather moved to the gym. The times will be broken up by grade to limit the number of people gathered. Seniors 6pm, Juniors 6:30pm, Sophomores 7pm, Freshman 7:30pm. Parents and students are encouraged to attend. Masks must be worn at all times on school property and social distancing will be adhered. If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in Football Cheer, Please contact Coach Cook at Cookkell2147@yahoo.com or Coach Boyer at Jboyer1110@gmail.com
over 4 years ago, Principal Wilson