A message from VLN:
We understand how challenging the system performance issues we have experienced over the last week have been for the district and your cyber families and we sincerely apologize for the difficulties and frustrations they have caused. While we worked hard to anticipate and prepare for the impacts of a significant increase in enrollments in our programs due to the pandemic, we were unable to predict the effects certain aspects of this growth would have on our system. Over the last several days our Technology Team has worked tirelessly and we have taken significant steps to restore system performance, including the following actions:
• Increased server capacity – processing and memory
• Optimized core performance for main student interface during heavy workloads
• Separated application and file servers for increased performance and scalability
• Offloaded textbook downloading to a separate sever
Specific to the past 24 hours, we’ve added a second server to handle the higher volume of system service calls. This additional server appears to have greatly improved traffic flow to and from the database. Additionally, we’ve also offloaded the textbook downloading to a separate server to resolve slowdowns in the system created by this functionality and to prevent download timeouts. We’re continuing to monitor traffic and system performance in both of these areas and will respond quickly to make any additional adjustments that are needed. We intend to provide daily updates on the system status moving forward to keep you well informed.
As always thank you for your patience and support as we work to make this right for you, your students and your families.
Our 2020 Homecoming Court.
ISD Cyber Families: We share in your frustration with the VLN technical difficulties. To accommodate our students, we are moving the due date for Modules 1 & 2 to Sunday September 27th at midnight. Work for module 3 will begin on Monday, September 28th. All due dates for future modules will now be Sunday nights at midnight. Thank you for providing us with feedback on your cyber experience.
A message from VLN:
Our Software Team has been working diligently throughout the weekend and we have made significant progress in restoring access and performance throughout the system for students. The team continues to work on a detailed review of our entire code and additional adjustments will be made as we find it necessary to improve the user experience. Students will notice that in an effort to further streamline the system, we have temporarily removed the Progress Indicator Gauge and Individual Status Indicators that appear below each course. These tools will be added back into the platform in the future. We apologize for the frustrations caused by last week’s system issues and we want to assure you that we are fully committed to providing a successful learning experience for your students and families.
We will be celebrating Spirit Week (9/21-25) with the following days at IHS:
Tuesday- Team Day (Favorite team jersey/shirt)
Wednesday– Classy Day (Homecoming King & Queen Coronation)
Thursday – USA Day
Friday – Black and Gold
A message from VLN:
We resolved initial capacity issues with the system earlier this week, however as many users have continued to experience significant issues and slow response times, we have brought in a team of outside consultants who are working around-the-clock with our team to complete a full code review to identify redundancies and inefficiencies that are impacting user access and system performance. We will be applying a set of initial fixes throughout the day today with the expectation that this will significantly improve performance and user access. We will then continue to review and apply additional fixes to further improve performance moving forward. We recognize the impact this has had on your district, staff, students and parents and we are committed to bringing this to a resolution as expeditiously as possible. Thank you for your continued understanding and commitment to the success of your students.
Save the date! Our 4th Annual Zombie Run will be held as a virtual event from October 24th-30th! More details to follow soon.
If you did not get your Senior Portrait taken at school over the summer or yesterday when our photographer was here, your last option is to make an appointment at the Lifetouch studio. Your photo MUST be taken by October 10, or you will not have a picture in the senior section of the yearbook. Please call 814-825-1800 for an appointment ASAP as the studio has very limited appointments available. Please contact me if you have any questions: speebles@iroquios.iu5.orgor x1158.
I.H.S. SPORTING EVENTS – It is mandatory that anyone attending a sporting event at I.H.S. or I.E.S. must wear a mask and social distance. This is even true at outdoor events. No one will be permitted to watch an event unless they are wearing a mask and sitting at least six feet apart. Exceptions to social distancing will be made for families but masks will be required by all spectators on school grounds. Those individuals not incompliance will be asked to leave the school grounds. This is a mandate set forth by the Governor of Pennsylvania. Junior high students will not be permitted at events unless accompanied by a parent.
TECHNOLOGY - any student still possessing I.H.S. technology from the original school closure must return these items by the end of September. Students can drop off any computers, chargers, calculators or other devices in the office.
From VLN: We are currently experiencing a technical issue with the VLNStudents.com site which is causing login errors and in some cases slowness in loading of pages within the portal for students who are able to get in. Our Tech Support Team is working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and I will provide more information on the resolution once I have an update. I know issues like these are disruptive and frustrating for everyone and I can assure you we are working hard to resolve the root cause of the problem.
SPORTS SPECTATORS - As per the recent regulations set forth by the state, spectators at sporting events will be very limited. There are very few tickets available for the home Football games. These tickets will be distributed to only the families of our seniors for football, cheerleading, and band. The number of tickets will vary with each game. With our other outdoor events, entrance to the event will be capped at 250. There will be no spectators at our indoor events such as Volleyball and Jr. High girls’ basketball due to that number being set at 25. In an effort to allow of the fans to see the events that are limited to spectators, we will be live streaming Iroquois Football, Volleyball, and Jr. High Basketball on our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyosU9W0Sl0mOHVF5urOV_g
IHS VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE - Families, please take a few minutes before Tuesday, September 8th to meet the faculty of Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School. http://bit.ly/ihsopenhouse20
Bus routes for this 2020-2021 School Year have been posted to the Transportation page on our website! OR go to our News for the link! Changes or adjustments to the routes will always be made to our website! Have a safe and successful school year!
Meals for Iroquois Cyber Learners Available! Must submit application for service. For all info and application, see the ISD website's COVID-19 News and Updates page.
ATTENTION 7th GRADE FAMILIES: We are pleased to announce that any student who participated in the IES summer enrichment programs has the ability to earn an incentive for his/her hard work. If your student participated in one of the following summer opportunities, please fill out the survey at the following link so he/she can be rewarded! The programs were: Summer Tutoring with AmeriCorps, Summer STEM Club, Summer Enrichment Packets, and/or Storybook Summer Camp. Survey Link: https://tinyurl.com/iessummerenrichment
SPECTATORS AT SPORTING EVENTS - Please be aware the spectators will not be permitted at sporting events an Iroquois for the immediate future. This is not an Iroquois decision.
Please see the note released yesterday from PIAA in their Newsletter:
"The PIAA continues to receive numerous questions regarding event capacities and allowing spectators. This is not a PIAA rule but is stated in the Governor’s target mitigation order: The Order applies to school sports.· Indoor sporting events and gatherings of more than 25 persons are prohibited.· Outdoor sporting events and gatherings of more than 250 persons are prohibited. Sports-related activities at the PK-12 level are limited to student-athletes, coaches, officials, and staff only. Band and cheer are also allowed in a sports setting, but individuals involved in such activities count towards gathering limitations and must comply with face covering order and social distancing guidelines. Visitors and spectators are prohibited from attending in-person sports-related activities."
STUDENT SCHEDULES - please be advised that the most updated version of each student's schedule is located on Infinite Campus. When students arrive on September 8th, their first period classroom will be posted for each student in the lobby, the cafeteria, and the gymnasium. Students will be given a hardcopy of their schedule during first period. Please contact the office for a hardcopy of your schedule if you would like one before September 8th.
ATTENTION: There will be an informational meeting tomorrow, August 26th, for parents of any Junior High girls interested in playing basketball this year. This meeting will be held outside on the East side of the high school by the side parking lot at 6:30pm. Come out and meet the new coaches, Mrs. Chrapowicz and Mr. Hanlon. We look forward to seeing you there!
REMINDER: 7th grade and New Student Orientation is TODAY and TOMORROW from 9:00am-12:00pm. Due to COVID restrictions on social gatherings, parents may not accompany their students. Students must wear masks and practice social distancing throughout the orientation. Please use the link below to sign up for the day and one hour time slot for your student to attend. https://tinyurl.com/y4jplxoj