Enjoy these pictures of our homecoming court. These young men and women were chosen by their peers and are going to do amazing things in the future!
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Karina and Lucas
Madison and Ryan
Queen Madison, King Max, and the court
What an amazing week we had at Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School! We were busy with spirit week, a parade, a bonfire, crowning our royalty, winning our football game, and dancing the night away under the stars with beautiful weather. It's a great time to be a BRAVE!
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Chase and Samantha
Greta and Kobe
Jenna and Max
Kaleena and Logan
Boys soccer took their first win today, 6-0 over Conneaut OH. Congratulations Coach Campbell on your first win as a head coach! Burkhardt kept the nets clean while Merritt, Longo, and Bush stacked on the scores.
over 3 years ago, Carl Zimmerman
Win #1 (first of many to come) for Campbell and Iroquois Boys 9/18
Today, September 15th our homecoming parade will begin at 5:30 followed by our bonfire. We will have yard games and free food so come out and join us!
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Today is our homecoming assembly in the auditorium during tutorial. Who will be crowned as King and Queen? Tune in at 2:15 to find out! Use the link. https://youtu.be/lbNS0g49YWc
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
School picture day is tomorrow, Tuesday September 14th. You can order online at inter-state.com/order and use the order code 60824WB
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
This Wednesday, September 15th is packed with fun as we celebrate homecoming! First up is our homecoming assembly in the auditorium during tutorial. Students in grades 10-12 will be called down to attend in person. Students in grades 7-9 will be able to watch in their tutorials via live stream. Who will be crowned as King and Queen? Tune in to find out! Our homecoming parade will begin at 5:30 followed by our bonfire. We will have yard games and free food so come out and join us!
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Please join the staff on Wednesday, September 22nd from 6pm - 7:30pm at the school for our annual Open House. This will give you the opportunity to meet your student's teachers and walk their daily schedule.
over 3 years ago, Principal Wilson
The Homecoming dance will be held outside in the Iroquois Elementary School parking lot on Saturday, September 18th from 7-10pm. The current forecast is 77 degrees with intervals of clouds and sunshine! Tickets are on sale in the cafeteria during first and third lunch from Thursday, September 9th-Friday, September 17th. Tickets are $15 each and are available to students in grades 9-12. Outside guests will be permitted at this time and the form required can be picked up in the main office. No ticket can be purchased for an outside guest until the form has been signed and returned to Iroquois. Also, no student can purchase a ticket if you owe a fee in Infinite Campus. No tickets will be sold at the door.
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Let's get excited! Homecoming is a week away and we have a lot of fun activities coming up! Homecoming Assembly: Wednesday, September 15th at 2:15pm in the Auditorium where the Homecoming King and Queen will be announced. Homecoming Parade: Wednesday, September 15th at 5:30pm with the Homecoming Bonfire immediately following from 6-7:30pm Homecoming Game: Thursday, September 16th at 7pm against Kennedy Catholic (Game @ Harborcreek High school), Homecoming Dance: Saturday, September 18th from 7-10pm
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Homecoming dance tickets are on sale in the cafeteria during first and third lunch from Thursday, September 9th-Friday, September 17th. Tickets are $15 each and are available to students in grades 9-12. Outside guests will be permitted at this time and the form required can be picked up in the main office. No ticket can be purchased for an outside guest until the form has been signed and returned to Iroquois. Also, no student can purchase a ticket if you owe a fee in Infinite Campus.
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Voting is now officially open for your 2021 Homecoming King and Queen! Students in grades 9-12 may vote until Wednesday, September 15th at 1pm. Use the following link to vote! http://bit.ly/2021kingandqueen
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Homecoming spirit week is 9/13-9/17. The cheerleaders have chosen the following themes for the week: Monday-mismatch day Tuesday- USA day (wear red, white, and blue) Wednesday- Jersey Day Thursday- Wear your black and gold Friday-Twin Friday
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Homecoming week is fast approaching with our football game on Thursday, September 16th and the dance on September 18th. Round 1 of voting for your 2021 homecoming court is officially open! Students in grades 9-12 can vote using a link until 1pm on September 3rd. The link can be found in your teachers’ classrooms as well as on our high school live feed. Students can only vote once for 6 boys and 6 girls. If you choose more than that amount, your vote will be discarded. http://Bit.ly/2021homecoming
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
The Iroquois School District's Health and Safety plan is located on the website at https://www.iroquoissd.org/page/health-and-safety-updates . Anyone wanting a hard copy of the plan can stop in either building office to pick up a paper version of this plan.
over 3 years ago, Principal Wilson
Attention families! Who likes rushing home on a Monday night to cook dinner? We sure don't. PYD is partnering with Moe's Southwest Grill for our next sustainability fundraiser. Book a night off from cooking when you pre-order your taco kit for pickup on Monday, September 13th. Pull through the IHS buss loop between 5 - 6pm and we will bring your kit out to you. Take it home for the whole family to enjoy! Make sure to place your order by Friday, September 10th: https://form.jotform.com/212225900985153
over 3 years ago, #PYDONEFAMILY
Kit feeds family of 4-6.
A message from Chris Wise, the Band Director at Iroquois: I would like to invite you to attend our next Band Booster Meeting on Tuesday 8/24 at 6:45 PM in the High School Band Room. Traditionally, our boosters have supported our marching band with much behind-the-scene help. We would like to extend our booster program to include all band member grownups from 5th grade through 12th grade to support the entire program. We hope to see you there! Go Braves!
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal
Fall sports pictures are tomorrow, August 19th, in the high school gym. Pictures forms are available on the athletics page on the Jr Sr High website. Team picture times are: 10 am – Girls Soccer 10:30 am – Girls Volleyball 11:30 am – Golf and JH GIRLS BASKETBALL 12 pm – Break for Lunch 12:40 pm – Varsity Football 1:40 pm – SH X Country 2 pm – JH X Country 2:30 pm – Boys Soccer 3 pm – JH Football 4 pm – Cheerleading
over 3 years ago, Carl Zimmerman
The Iroquois School District Board of Directors will be voting on the District’s 2021-2022 Health and Safety Plan. A draft of the plan which is up for approval on August 17th is posted at the following link. This plan is required to be posted on our District’s website. If you would like to make any comments on this draft, please email your comments to HealthSafety@iroquois.iu5.org. You can view the draft here: https://bit.ly/3CTTN06
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Vaccination reminder for students entering 7th and 12th grade: The 7th grade requirements for the first day of school are Tdap and Meningococcol(MCV). The 12th grade requirement is Meningococcol. If you have already received these vaccines over the summer, please bring your immunization record to the high school office prior to the start of the school year. If you have yet to receive these vaccinations, please make an appointment ASAP so that you are able to start the school year on time. These vaccinations are REQUIRED.
over 3 years ago, Jeannene Willow- Assistant Principal