Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Molly Porter
Kindergarten Teacher
Ext. 3153
Mike Powell
Kim Pulvino
Autistic Support Paraprofessional
Special Education
Ext. 5221
Karey Quinn
Learning Support Teacher 3rd grade
Special Education
Ext. 2127
Sydney Regan
K-12 Speech-Language Pathologist
Special Education
Ext. 3243
Madison Renshaw
4th Grade Math/Science Teacher
Grade 4
Ext. 5103
Dante Rocco
Learning Support Teacher - 5th Grade
Special Education
Ext. 5208
Christina Schlee
2nd Grade Teacher
Grade 2
Ext. 3207
Amy Schmidt
5th Grade Teacher
Grade 5
Ext. 5219
Sarah Skelton
Enrichment Teacher
Special Education
Ext. 5123
Kasey Smith
4th Grade Teacher
Grade 4
Ext. 5104
Sandra Smith
Elementary Guidance Counselor
Ext. 3142
Lori Spangler
Lunchroom Monitor
Mary Trese Squeglia
2nd Grade Teacher
Grade 2
Ext. 3238
Ashley Stroud
K-12 Speech-Language Pathologist
Special Education
Jakob Surkala
6th Grade Teacher
Grade 6
Ext. 5223
Jamison Sweet
Autistic Support Paraprofessional
Special Education
Ext. 5221
Pete Szoszorek
Maintenance Specialist
Ext. 1309
Russ Taylor
Technology Coordinator
Ext. 1263
Amelia Thompson
Building Level Substitute
Ext. 5222