4th Grade had the privilege of exploring our own backyard as we observed erosion on Presque Isle, cleaned up litter on Beaches 6 and 10, and excavated a shipwreck at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center!
about 5 years ago, Mr. MacKelvey
Beach Litter Clean-Up!
Discussing Erosion on Presque Isle
Measuring the bow of a shipwreck
Shipwreck Excavating
Our weekly announcers, Jayden Evans and Alissa Ridenour did a great job sharing important information with teachers and students this morning!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Morning announcers
Pre - K and Kindergarten are the first to fill their Behavior Incentive jar! Congratulations!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Vrenna
Pre - K and Kindergarten are the first to fill their Behavior Incentive jar! Congratulations!
Students in Mrs. Bayhurst's Kindergarten class celebrated kindness week by making Rainbows of Friendship for each other. Each student made a rainbow of compliments for another student! Thank you, Mrs. Bayhurst for spreading kindness in your classroom!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Kindergarten Kindness
Fifth graders enjoy some lunchtime Uno and camaraderie! The competition looks fierce!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Uno crew #1
Uno crew #2
We celebrated excellent attendance this week at the Greatest Elementary School on the Planet! Congratulations to students who earned the privilege by coming to school regularly and on time! We are proud of you!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Proud display!
preparing for the course
Coloring Bees
Obstacle Course
Elementary students had special guests come to share music from countries around the world! Thank you, Mrs. Moser for coordinating this experience and the Iroquois School District Foundation for providing IES with an educational grant for its funding. Students enjoyed singing!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Sing along
Special guests
Student volunteers
Sharing the drum from Nepal
Students earned a snow day last week for demonstrating safe, kind, and responsible behavior! Congratulations!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Snow much fun!
Snow much fun!
Snow much fun!
Snow much fun!
When you master your Reflex Math Addition and Subtraction, you just might get special recognition from Mr. Bronson! Congratulations Jayce on your hard work!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
one proud little Brave
Wall of Fame shoutout
A picture for the wall!
so excited!
AR...4th grade Kindle Fire winner!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Vrenna
AR...4th grade Kindle Fire winner!
AR...1st grade Kindle Fire winner!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Vrenna
AR...1st grade Kindle Fire winner!
AR...5th grade Kindle Fire winner!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Vrenna
AR...5th grade Kindle Fire winner!
Iroquois' own Julia Cecchetti visited 4th grade students today at IES to share information about Earth and Space Science. Thank you, Julia, for giving back to the school and congratulations on your accomplishments!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Julia Cecchetti
Julia Cecchetti
Julia Cecchetti
Students and their bus drivers enjoyed a special breakfast this week for positive behavior on the bus!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Bus Rewards
Bus rewards
Bus Rewards
Bus rewards
Please remember to sign up for Parent Teachers conferences! Conferences will take place on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. If you need assistance call the Iroquois Elementary School office at (814) 899-7643 extension 2000. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mrs. Bayhurst's Kindergarten pirates shared their brand new knowledge of the "ar" sound. Excellent job Kindergarten!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Mr. Bronson is so proud of how smart they are!
"Aaaarrrrrrgh, Mateys!"
Wall of Fame announcement for success!
Congratulations to Mr. Trapp, our new King Bee! His class proved to be the most safe, kind, and responsible students during the month of December! Way to go! We are proud of you!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Mr. Trapp
Mr. Trapp's class
Mrs.Skelton’s class participates in the 4th Annual Hack-A-Thon at TREC!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Sarah Skelton
Team Boomers win first place at the competition!
IES 5th grade chorus students visited 1st grade students for a holiday sing-a-long!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Mrs. Zukowski's class
Mrs. Blacksten's class
Miss Arthurs' class
Mrs. Falbo's class
IES 6th grade students visited Kindergarten and Pre-K students for a holiday sing-a-long!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Mrs. Grant's and Mrs. Porter's Kindergarten classes
Mrs. Bayhurst's and Mrs. Kehl's Kindergarten classes
Mrs. Kiddo's Pre-K
Miss Koeth's Kindergarten class