Hello, IES Families! We are happy to present to you our annual Career Day, virtually! Check out our Virtual Career Day website at https://sites.google.com/view/iescareerday2020/home and have fun exploring activities & videos from our community professionals!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Smith, IES Counselor
Good evening! If you still need to pick up your student's belongings, please come to the IES bus loop tomorrow, Thursday, May 21, between 9am and noon. You may also return library items at this time. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
MEAL UPDATE- Distribution following Memorial Day holiday will be on Tues., May 26 (11 am-1 pm). May 29th distribution returns to 9-11 am at both locations. Tuesday distribution includes breakfast/lunch for 3 days. Friday distribution will include breakfast/lunch for 4 days.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Titus
In the spirit of nicer weather, Mrs. Barringer would like to offer a great resource if you'd like to participate in an at-home field day with many fun events using common household items! Send us pictures of your field day fun! Video Link: https://openphysed.org/fielddayvideos
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon! If you were not able to pick up student belongings at IES, there are 2 additional pick-up times. You may pick up from 5:30-7:00 pm on Weds, 5/20 or from 9:00am-12:00pm on Thurs, 5/21. Library books can also be returned! Call the IES office with questions. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Printing of our yearbooks have been delayed due to the stay-at-home order. A message will be sent out to everyone that has ordered a yearbook with pickup details once they arrive. At this time there are no extra copies. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
almost 5 years ago, Ms. Womack
PreK Registration - Please call the Iroquois Office @ 899-7643, ext. 2001 to have the PreK Enrollment paperwork mailed to you. Child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Brenda Tombaugh
Iroquois School District is updating its Kindergarten Registration process. Click on the link to begin your journey in the Best Elementary School on the planet. Link: https://tinyurl.com/isdkinder
almost 5 years ago, Brenda Tombaugh
Faculty, staff, and AmeriCorps worked hard over the last two days to organize and pack student belongings. A big thanks to the ISD Foundation for purchasing a bag for each student! We are working hard to have everything ready for next week!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
So happy to gather belongings for students!
Getting organized!
Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Luke
Thanks you to the Foundation!
Good afternoon! Beginning Monday, May 18, parents/guardians will be given a designated time to come to IES to pick up student belongings. The schedule for distribution is posted in the news section of the IES website.  Please call the IES office with any questions. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning! As a reminder, packet pick-up will be today from 9:00-Noon at IES; completed packets from the prior weeks can be turned in during this time. If you requested technology through the survey, you can pick up your device at IHS from 9:00-11:00 AM tomorrow, May 12.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon IES parents! The Iroquois School District would like to hear from you! If you have a student who attends IES, please click on the link to the Thought Exchange and follow the steps to provide feedback. Thank you! Link: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/989640902
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Packet pick-up for IES will take place Monday, 5/11 from 9am-12pm. Completed packets can be turned in at IES any weekday from 8:30 to noon. Technology pick-up requested through the survey will take place at IHS from 9-11 on Friday, 5/8 during meal distribution. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Happy Friday! Tune in and help IES solve the mystery of the disguised characters from the Greatest Elementary School on the Planet in Episode #1 of the IES Masked Singers/Readers! Have a great weekend! Video Link: https://youtu.be/oRpxAXXeBqU
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning! Gym, Health, Art, Music, Band, Chorus, STEM, Guidance, and Library will not be graded at IES for the 4th quarter. Specialists will provide students with lessons to allow them to explore areas of interest. Participation is not mandatory, but encouraged. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Find out how to recognize your child being Safe, Kind, and Responsible at home! Mrs. Smith, school counselor, has a special message just for you! Video Link: https://youtu.be/BVE5Qnc7c8M
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
IES Virtual Bee Board
Hi from #TheGreatestElementarySchoolOnThePlanet! New learning has been approved to begin on 4/27. The 3rd 9wks ends on 5/1 and report cards will be mailed out 5/7. The 4th 9 wks will be from 5/4 to 6/5. The next IES packet pick up is 4/28 from 8:30-noon! Stay tuned for updates!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
IES Sign
Isabella Will and her Braves doing some school work! Way to work hard, Isabella! #OneBRAVEAdventure
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Isabella W.
Meal distribution will occur on Tuesdays & Fridays each week from 9–11 AM at both sites. Tuesday distribution will include breakfast & lunch for 3 days (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday). Friday distribution will include breakfast & lunch for 4 days (Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday).
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Titus
ISD has a new page titled COVID-19 DISTRICT INFO on our website for all things affected by COVID-19, including meal distributions, Continuity of Education Plan, etc. The page is located at the top of the District's website menu. Please check daily for any new information.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Titus