
Iroquois School District Parent, Students and Staff,

Subject:   The District’s Current Health and Safety Plan/Masking and Quarantining

Our Current District School Board Approved Health and Safety Plan requires that all Students, Staff, and Visitors wear mask while inside of our schools and when using district provided transportation, while Erie County is classified at the High Spread level.    Every Friday we will review the data from the county and inform the Iroquois School District Community, via our district voice and text message system, on the masking requirement for the following week.  The District’s Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed monthly by the Iroquois School Board and is subject to change as COVID-19 recommendations and regulations are updated.

As of now, the district’s quarantine procedures have not been changed. We are awaiting more information and direction from the Erie County Department of Health before we make a recommendation to the School Board regarding shortened quarantine requirements.

As always, we appreciate your support dealing with the constant changes that COVID has brought to our lives and the way the school district operates.  Please remember that all our decisions are based on one keeping our students and staff safe, while doing everything we can to keep our schools open for live in-person instruction.

We are facing staffing shortages in most areas, we are in critical need of substitute teachers, non-instructional aides, bus drivers and crossing guards.   If you have any interest in these positions, please go to the District’s website or call the district office for more information.