GO ERIE'S - 2020 IROQUOIS HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT, COVID-19 EDITION. A special thanks to Chris at goerie.com for posting candid pictures supplied by our parents and seniors. https://www.goerie.com/photogallery/PA/20200604/NEWS/604009998/PH/1
I.H.S. BACCALAUREATE VIDEO – our video will be available tonight, June 4th at 7:00pm. Please take a moment to celebrate with our outstanding Senior Class. https://youtu.be/htmmyYNz4G4
Parents - we need your input on the reopening of District schools to assist us in our reopening plan for the fall. To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called Thoughtexchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued.
Go to this URL to participate:
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Important dates: Baccalaureate ceremony will be released via a YouTube link on June 4th at 7pm. The graduation ceremony will be released via a YouTube link on June 5th at 7pm. If you have not yet seen the Military Signing Day video, it can be viewed now at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjpeoeB5AVI
Erie Front Porch Fest - June 6, 2:00 PM. Replacing Food Truck Festival event for 2020. More info under News on all Iroquois website.
MEAL UPDATE- Distribution following Memorial Day holiday will be on Tues., May 26 (11 am-1 pm). May 29th distribution returns to 9-11 am at both locations. Tuesday distribution includes breakfast/lunch for 3 days. Friday distribution will include breakfast/lunch for 4 days.
STADIUM RECOGNITION - on May 20th at 8:20pm we will be lighting our stadium in honor of all of our senior athletes especially those who missed their spring seasons. The score board will read 20/20. Please drive by and honk your horns in honor of our students.
Good afternoon! It's time to check in on Episode #3 of the IES Masked Singers/Readers! Were your guesses from Episode #2 correct?
Video Link: https://youtu.be/AGEv7uItX6U
LOCKER ITEM PICK UP - If any students have any school materials such as textbooks, novels, calculators, computers (not ones passed out recently for online instruction), instruments, etc... These can be returned when you retrieve your items using the schedule posted yesterday.
BACCALAUREATE will be occurring this year for the Class of 2020. Mr. Sovisky will be posting a video on June 4th celebrating our senior class. A link will be provided at a later time.
Tune in to the IES YouTube Channel for birthday shoutouts, more students being safe, kind, and responsible, and a special video from Mrs. Vrenna! YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMxdkge_UG5cdqsdUDZ3sSe_4TvYZ1c3Z
PACKET RETURNS TO I.H.S. - Graded packets can be returned starting next week on Tuesdays and Fridays between 9:00-11:00am. This will be collected at the doors. However, we recommend that students take pictures of their work an email the teacher so that it can be graded instead.
Reminder: If your family completed a survey to receive technology, please come to the high school community lobby entrance from 9am-11am! We are delivering to your car at the curb!
IMPORTANT SENIOR INFO - Ms. Cammarata & Mrs. Boblentz have both posted the updated senior grading timeline on the Teams. Please check those teams for this important information. Last night was fun delivering the signs, I hope that you all enjoyed it.
IROQUOIS SENIORS - Last night the staff distributed signs and caps/gowns to the seniors. Please note that graduation is June 5th. Check out the news coverage below. https://www.yourerie.com/news/local-news/iroquois-school-district-hosts-cap-and-gown-drop-off-parade/
Tune in to the IES YouTube Channel for birthday shoutouts, more students being safe, kind, and responsible, and Episode #2 of the Masked Singer/Reader! YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMxdkge_UG5cdqsdUDZ3sSe_4TvYZ1c3Z
If your family has requested a device, but not yet received it, we will have 2 scheduled pick up times at the high school to retrieve technology for your family. These devices will be distributed on Fri,May 8th from 9-11am & Tue,May 12th from 9-11am curbside of the comm lobby.
I.H.S. is still planning for a virtual graduation for the Class of 2020 on Friday, June 5, 2020. Please contact the school with any questions.
Tune in to the IES YouTube Channel for birthday shoutouts, more students being safe, kind, and responsible, and a special video featuring Kindergarten meteorologists! YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMxdkge_UG5cdqsdUDZ3sSe_4TvYZ1c3Z