The Iroquois School District is pleased to announce that the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) experiment titled “The effects of microgravity on crystal growth” written by student facilitators Luke Noyes, Nick Pribyshchuk, Elliot Kemp, Josh Allison, and Alex Pierce has been selected for flight. Their proposal was chosen out of the over 70 proposals put together to represent the Iroquois School District on the International Space Station in the summer of 2023. This team is one of 39 flight groups world-wide chosen to participate in this program to experiment in microgravity, which is a huge accomplishment. The team under the guidance of teacher facilitators Shannon Glennon and Jacob Bartlett has made revisions to their proposal in preparation for flight. Congratulations team! We can’t wait to see how your innovation and curiosity will benefit the future. The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program [or just “SSEP”] is a program of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) in the U.S. and the Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education internationally. It is enabled through a strategic partnership with Nanoracks, LLC, which is working with NASA under a Space Act Agreement as part of the utilization of the International Space Station as a National Laboratory.
Student Spaceflight Experiments Program
January 4, 2023