December 4, 2020
Dear Iroquois School District Faculty, Staff, and Families,
I would like to start by commending our students, staff, and community for following the necessary steps to keep our school open during this national pandemic. Today’s attendance marks the sixtieth day of school. I truly attribute this strong start of the school year to the efforts of the entire Iroquois family. Unfortunately, we have had several students test positive over the past few days. Under the current health and safety plan, it is recommended that we close the school building for live instruction for a period of three to five days.
As of Monday, December 7, 2020, I regret to announce that grades seven through twelve will be starting virtual instruction. In accordance with the most recent guidelines, this shut down will take place for one week. Students will be required to follow their normal class schedules using Schoology and Zoom from Monday, December 7th through Friday, December 11, 2020. Currently, we anticipate returning to the building for live instruction on Monday, December 14, 2020.
All sports activities including practice are suspended as of four o’clock today. They will be suspended until Monday, December 14th. Additional cancellations and closure information will be posted on the District website with additional information provided on Friday, December 11, 2020.
Our entire administrative team will continue monitoring the positive COVID cases within our building as well as the numbers reported for Erie County. Keeping the safety of our students and staff in mind, we will provide weekly updates as to the current situation and our students’ return to school. I would ask all of you to check the High School website daily for additional announcements.
The staff and building administration will be in the building on Monday, December 7, 2020. We will not be permitting anyone else into the school during this closure. Feel free to contact the school or the Assistant Pandemic Coordinator, Karen Barringer at (814) 899-7643 x6109 with any questions related to the closure. For any technology-related questions/needs, contact 814-897-2416.
Douglas Wilson
Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School